Dr. Dhir

If someone has a heart attack, they should be taken

If someone has a heart attack, they should be taken

Call the emergency number of the nearest hospital:

The first step is to call the emergency number of the nearest hospital. Quick communication is crucial in emergencies, and providing information about the situation will help the hospital prepare for the patient’s arrival.

Administer medications:

If available, the patient should be given two tablets of Ecosprin and two tablets of Statin (80 mg) immediately. This step can be a life-saving measure as these medications help in managing the clotting and cholesterol levels associated with a heart attack.

Perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) if necessary:

 If the patient is unconscious or their heartbeat is not detectable, CPR should be initiated. Chest compressions are a crucial part of this process.

Maintain an open airway:

Ensure that the patient’s airway is clear by performing the chin lift and head tilt maneuver. This helps prevent any obstruction in the breathing passage. Lay the patient on their back, lift the chin, and tilt the head to open the airway.

Provide chest compressions:

 While the patient is lying on their back, perform 100-120 chest compressions. Place your hands on the center of the chest between the nipples and push down at least 2 inches. Avoid pressing too hard to prevent rib fractures. The purpose is to pump the heart and supply blood to the brain and other organs.

Use breathing techniques during CPR

If trained, provide rescue breaths by breathing into the patient’s mouth. If not trained, focus on chest compressions and maintaining an open airway.

Continue monitoring vital signs

If someone has a heart attack, they should be taken

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