Dr. Dhir

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

Think of CABG as building a new road to avoid traffic jams. When your heart’s blood vessels (coronary arteries) get blocked, it’s like a traffic jam for blood. To keep your heart healthy, surgeons create a bypass for the blood, allowing it to flow smoothly.

The main idea of CABG is to create a new path for blood flow, ensuring your heart gets the blood it needs. Surgeons do this by bypassing blocked coronary arteries using blood vessels from your body. These vessels are usually taken from your chest (LIMA, RIMA), arms (radial artery), or legs (saphenous vein).

Dr. Udgeeth Dhir, best bypass surgeon in Gurugram, decides the finest approach after carefully checking your condition.

Things to Know about Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery
  • Risks Associated with Surgery

CABG surgery has come a long way, and it’s much safer today. Modern techniques and medications have made it a low-risk operation. Most heart care centers in India have success rates above 99%.

  • Pain after Surgery

It’s normal to feel some pain after surgery. However, chest surgery is usually less painful than abdominal surgery. Dr. Udgeath Dhir, a top bypass surgeon in India, focuses on pain management to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.

  • Lifestyle Changes

CABG surgery is often a wake-up call for lifestyle changes. It’s crucial to adopt a heart-healthy diet, quit smoking, and manage conditions like diabetes and hypertension to prevent future heart issues.

Regular exercise is a key component of long-term recovery and heart health. Dr Dhir’s healthcare team will guide you on safe and appropriate physical activity, all the time.

  • Medications

After CABG, there is a need for medications to manage various aspects of your heart health. These may include blood thinners, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and medications to control blood pressure. You need to take all these medications as prescribed.

Get Heart Care, Beyond Compare with Dr. Dhir

Looking to embark on your journey to a healthier heart today? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Udgeath Dhir, the finest CABG cardiac surgeon in Gurugram.

Your heart deserves nothing but the best care, and Dr. Dhir is here to provide it, every step of the way.

Recovery and Rehabilitation after CABG Surgery

Recovery follows a typical path for open-chest procedures:

  • First 2 Days

Intensive care with 24/7 nursing care.

  • Next 3-5 Days

Regaining strength in daily activities.

  • Day of Discharge

Tips for rehab and safety before going home.

  • First Review after a Week

Checking your progress.

  • A Month after Surgery

Many can gradually return to work or daily routines.

*Your ability to return to work and perform daily activities will depend on your health progress. Discuss your plans with India’s best cardiac surgeon Dr Udgeath Dhir’s healthcare team to ensure a safe and gradual return to your routine.

FAQs for Coronary Bypass Surgery

Yes, it’s major because it directly affects your health and quality of life.

Most good heart centers have success rates near 99% or more.

Age isn’t the only factor; your overall health matters. Older patients may need extra evaluation. However, Dr. Udgeath’s team is all set to take care of your heart, regardless of your age.

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